Saturday, November 15, 2014


And it's snowing. It's snowing in November, in Kansas. At least it didn't start last night while I was at work. Standing outside directing traffic in this snow would not have been fun.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Internal Introspective

I feel sad. I actually counted how many interviews I've done this semester. I'm up to 19... Nineteen. And once more, nineteen interviews since August. And no offers. Not even a second interview offer. Not even with the company that I interned with over the summer. That's just cold. This starts to make me wonder what I'm doing wrong. I have some pretty good ideas, but still. It would be nice to be offered.

I feel like I need to sit down and really think about what I want to do with my life. Where do I want to live? What kind of projects do I want to work on? I feel like I could be happy doing just about anything just about anywhere, but apparently that comes off as nonchalance. I suppose I should work on that. I need to work on my branding.

I've been working on expanding my activities. Recently I was drafted to be the IES photography. I like it. It gets me involved, being involved is good. Having a legitimate reason to use my camera is nice. I'm not good at taking organization photos, framing people is hard. I did enter several of my personal pictures in a photo contests here at school, though. I don't think I'm going to win, but at least someone is seeing them.

I prefer taking pictures of animals.