Saturday, February 28, 2015

Live Long and Prosper

I was shocked and devastated to hear of actor Leonard Nimoy's death yesterday. His performance of the character Spock will be the truest in my memory for the rest of time. My soul aches at the loss of his shining light in Hollywood.

I feel like Spock was a major influence in my life. I have always been a fan of Star Trek. I'm sure that I can not dignify myself with the title of true Trekkie, but I have always enjoyed the franchise. Nimoy's character was always the most interesting to me. You would think that Scottie would resound more with me since I am becoming an engineer, but I have always felt more camaraderie with the half Vulcan Science Officer.

Here are some things that Spock has taught me over the years:

1.) It's human and fun to curse
2,) Logic is the root of reasoning
3.) Hate is illogical
4.) Being different is a curse and a gift
5.) Friends are a treasure

With Leonard Nimoy gone the world seems a little darker, but that's not what he would want. He lived a long and full life. As I've heard it said several time over the last few hours, "He lived long and Prospered."