Wednesday, September 18, 2013

On It

Women are constantly paranoid about their periods. At least I am. I have never been  regular, so it has been hard to track. There's a few days of touch and go. Then usually when I'm the least prepared mentally and physically it strikes, like a tiger in the night. Nature's special 'blessing'.

Along with that great joy comes the acne breakouts and the water retention, and the weakened immune system, and the fatigue, and the mood swings... oh the mood swings. It's great, really. I recommend that all men try it at least once. Like the labor pain simulator that should be required for every sex ed class for every student male and female. You want to lower teen pregnancy and raise respect for women you get those teens strapped to a machine that makes you cramp so bad that you think your going to die, that'll help.

On top of the crazy hormone driven insanity I have three tests this week. Two are done, and poorly I might add, and one yet to go in the morning. I have little to no confidence in my ability to succeed. This is going to go really well.

I've had a lot of thoughts on my princess and the frog story. I've been doing a lot of shaping in my mind and I'm getting really excited about it. It always surprises me how the imaginative juices start flowing when I have several test to study for. I am the queen of inappropriate timing.

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